
" Blessed are those who can give without remembering and receive without forgetting." ~ Author unknown Thanksgiving with my family has always been meaningful to me. My earliest boyhood memories of our celebration included my sisters, paternal grandfather, my dad’s two brothers, along with their wives and children, as well as other aunts and various [...]

2012-11-21T17:46:28-05:00A View|

Political Math

Not too much in the way of economic news to report this week, though yesterday’s report on jobless claims exploded to 439,000 new claims for benefits. The Atlantic Region released its manufacturing report, as well, and showed a contraction in activity. Raw steel production so far this year is up 3.3% from the same period [...]

2012-11-21T17:39:25-05:00A View|

Positive Outlooks

Quite a windy week here from the east coast through the Midwest. Hurricane Sandy has most definitely left her mark on all of us. As of this writing over 90 Americans have perished and millions are still without power. Quite a devastating weather event. On the bright side, the rebuilding process will create many jobs, [...]

2012-11-09T17:51:36-05:00A View|
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